I've found this great link, very useful for any slovene law student – the Register of Regulations of the RS [Register predpisov RS] with a very pleasant address – http://zakonodaja.gov.si.

As its title itself hints it's a register of all law regulations of the RS. And it's really though through! Ok, not all of us are friends of frames and the colours are not exactly the most "trendy" – but that doesn't really matter, does it? The most importaint thing is that it's very easy to use nad you get all the information you need about a certain regulation very quickly and with a direct link to its text published in the Official Gazette [Uradni list].

You can either browse (either by specific areas, registers or just the newest additions) the Register or search for a specific regulation.

And here we are at the point when one would like to make things even easier as it already is. Why use the search page if it's all done simpler and faster with a web shortcut to the search? I'm mainly using Konqueror so I'm going to tell how to do it there, but I know for sure that there's a way how to do it in Firefox as well.

If you don't know what web shortcuts are, read this shortened article about it on Tuxmagazine.

Now that you do (if you didn't before), you can add one for the Registry of Regulations.

Here's how: go to Settings [Nastavitve| -> Configure Konqueror [Nastavi Konqueror] and there choose Web shortcuts [Spletne bližnjice]. Here you can see (edit, add and delete) all the web shortcuts already set in Konqueror. Now add one by clicking New. And what you get is a simple dialog. Here's what to put in the boxes:

  • Name of the Search Engine [Ime ponudnika iskanja]: Zakonodaja RS
  • Search URI [Iskalni URI]: http://iskalnik.gov.si/rps/rps.cgi?q=\{@}&cmd=Iskanje&form=extended&sp=0&wf=000000000000F0&m=all
  • Shortcut URI [Bližnjice URI]: zakon
  • Character set [Nabor znakov]: iso-8859-2

You can change the the name and the shortcut to your liking, since only the Search URI and the charset are crutial parts.

So, now to test it, type in the Konqueror location bar (i.e. where you usually type your URI or URL):

zakon: društva

and if everything went as planned you should get a nice list of regulations on societies, assiciations, unions etc.

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